Who is an Intercultural Assistant?
Intercultural Assistants are people whose task is to support foreign children attending schools in Poland and school communities (including teaching staff and parents and legal guardians of children). A person performing such a function may be employed as a teacher's assistant from the funds provided by the authority running the school (pursuant to Article 94a, section 4a of the Act of September 7, 1991 on the education system - Journal of Laws 2004 No. 256, item 2572, as amended as amended) or by a non-governmental organization.
The course is aimed at people:-
who want to work as intercultural assistants and teacher's assistants,
people in the positions described above who want to undergo comprehensive training,
interested in the well-being of children in schools, as well as integration processes,
parents of foreign children studying in Polish schools.
How to sign up for the course?In order to use the course, it is necessary to create an account (Create an account) by filling out the necessary information and accepting the regulations. Using the course is free!
Addidional module"Raising self-esteem and intellectual stimulation of children and adolescents" is an additional module dedicated to all people working with youngsters. It was created in cooperation with the project partner - International Rescue Committee. This module focuses on creating situations in which children feel safe at school and feel that they are developing. For this to happen, they need to receive helpful feedback. That is, information that both recognizes effort and progress and helps to understand what students still do not know and how to learn it. By increasing students' self-esteem, we make it easier for them to take on new challenges. The module presents tools that can be used to stimulate students intellectually, encouraging them to reflect on their progress and teaching them to plan their own learning process.
Project partnerThe School of Diversity platform was created by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation in partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) - an international, independent non-governmental organization established to help people who suffer from humanitarian crises.
Course patronageThe coalition strives to ensure that there are more intercultural and Roma assistants in schools, that the work of assistants is appreciated and carried out in good conditions, and that schools fully use the potential of cooperation with assistants.
The Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization of the University of Warsaw IPSiR at the University of Warsaw conducts the first in Poland one-year postgraduate studies "Intercultural assistantship at school". Our course can be a great introduction to the study of intercultural assistantship.
WspółpracaThe Migration Academy is a hybrid tool for acquiring knowledge and competences in the field of migration management. The project's recipients are primarily local governments, activists working for refugees and migrants, and non-governmental organizations at the local level. The platform includes educational and expert materials on the integration of people with migration and refugee experience in Poland.